06 Nov

Being a business owner can be quite challenging on many levels. When you own a small business you must have every element in place that large companies have. You need marketing, bookkeeping, customer service, relationship management, product development, and so on and so on! One of the hardest parts of owning a business is being organized and task-oriented so that you are always on top of things.

A friend and business coach once taught me the power of having Sunday night business meetings with myself. It’s a time to review the pros and cons of the week that just ended and set goals for the week to come. It is a time to get clear about who your best client is and how to work most effectively with them. It is time for complete honesty with yourself on how you are doing. Are you acting like a business owner or simply an enthusiast? Are you working your business or is it simply a hobby? If you are not doing things that generate money for your business, it will die!

Use Sunday night effectively. Put the kids to bed, take a shower, get into your pj’s and have a serious meeting with yourself. Know where you need to take the business in the week to come and map out a plan. This is no time to go easy on yourself. Write down your goals for the week and walk your way backwards from the accomplished goal to the first step you need to take in the morning. Your accomplishments will just amaze you. Give it a try, you have nothing to lose. 

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