The Book on Joy

Angela is a contributing author to The Book on Joy. 

When you put thirty international, heart-centered female authors together to write a book that centers on joy, the result is sublime! Joy comes to each of us through many paths in life: the joy of holding your newborn baby, the joy of finding your soulmate, the joy of escaping discrimination, the joy of reclaiming your self-worth, the joy of a united family and the joy of discovering your purpose in life.

The Book on Joy is filled with the experiences, the journeys, and the discoveries that these women have had that brought them to that place of joy and the revelation that for each of us, no matter what we are going through, we can find joy in life. 

Join us as we offer you page after page of thoughts, possibilities and ah-ha moments to help guide you toward finding your own moments in life that will bring you joy.

Click here to learn more and to secure your copy.

Clear here to learn more about Angela's specific chapter in The Book on Joy